The pharmacy
Address of the pharmacy : Plaįa Major, 17 - 08500 Vic
Phone: Telf. 93 886 08 24
Official code of the pharmacy: F08002520
The owner
Name of the owner of the pharmacy : Josep Vilaplana Penella
ID holder DNI: 33944850R
Details of the professional association to which it belongs : Collegi de Farmacčutics de la Província de Barcelona (COFB)
Member reference: 9655
Drug band service: Monday to Saturday: De Lunes a Sábado.
Service Closed: holidays and holiday period (variable, are clearly indicated in each case)
Delivery of medicines: (weekdays from Monday to Friday 48 hours of purchase).
Further information officer
Pāgina web de venda per internet del Departament de Salut:
Pāgina web de venda per internet de la Agencia Espaņola del Medicamento y Productos Sanitarios:
Centro de informaciķn de medicamentos CIMA, de la Agencia Espaņola del
Medicamento y Productos Sanitarios: